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Web based Project Management solution

Any business looking to tighten up control over their Projects or Jobs, should have a close look at WorkflowMax.  WorkflowMax is a cloud solution and delivers Job, Time and Invoice Management for your business. The base system allows you to create a quote for your customer and this can easily be converted into a job once the quote has been accepted.  Thereafter you can log employee time and other costs against the job to track profitability and ensure you achieve any milestones.  You can raise invoices during and at the end of the project to ensure you make a profit.  Furthermore, if you use Xero for your accounting, then the invoice is posted into Xero automatically using web services.  Xero integration also covers purchase invoices, contacts and invoice payments.  WorkflowMax was acquired by Xero early February 2012 and it’s future looks very rosy now they have access to the skilled development team behind Xero.

An add-on feature of WorkflowMax is Lead Management allowing you to track your leads, sales pipeline, and proposals all in one place. Integration with job management ensures a seamless transition from the sales team to the production team and eventually to your accounting system.

We can help with the configuration and training in the use of WorkflowMax and its integration with Xero.

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