If you’ve seen the latest Cloud Accounting solutions and understand the benefits they bring, then…
Significant time savings using Sage 50 Professional
A Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning company, who provide a design to installation service had used Sage 50 Professional for a number of years. However, Sage 50 Professional was not used to its fullest potential.
Consequently as the business grew, the owners were spending increased amounts of time on routine accounting and administrative tasks. We worked with the business owners to make greater use of Sage 50 Professional’s features, by first installing Sage 50 on all the PC’s on the network, which accessed the Sage data files stored on the business server.
We created profiles for employee types, so each employee accessed only the areas they needed to access and also so that the workload could be shared. Secondly we implemented Sales Order Processing so invoices could be raised either in full or in part (as a progress invoice) and set up recurring invoices for periodic maintenance work.
Invoice layouts were created in the Company’s chosen style using the inbuilt Report Writer, so invoices could be either printed and posted, or generated as PDF’s and automatically sent out using Outlook from within Sage 50.
Finally we helped in setting up browser-based remote access software, so the Sage data could be accessed through the web.
Naturally we provided extensive training and support whilst the changes were adopted. This resulted in significant time savings for the invoicing and distribution process and tightened up overall control of the invoicing of all the job types the business was involved with.
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